1. Parties, preamble and scope

1.1 Parties

This Agreement has been entered into by the following Parties:

  • Hi3G Denmark ApS
  • TDC A/S
  • Telenor A/S
  • Telia Danmark

– hereinafter called “the Parties” collectively and “Operator” individually.


1.1.1 Inclusion of new parties in the Agreement

Mobile Operators may enter into this Agreement by submitting a request to the Director of TI (the Telecommunication Industries Association in Denmark (Telekommunikationsindustrien)). On receipt of such request, TI shall without undue delay submit the agreement for signature, and on receipt of the signed agreement, notify the Parties.

The Parties to the Framework Agreement may jointly assign their liability and obligations under the Framework Agreement to a company appointed jointly between them. This company will, where applicable, be liable under the Agreement to the Content Providers and will generally enforce it on behalf of the Parties.

This jointly owned company will furthermore be referred to as 4T.


1.2 Preamble

The purpose of the Agreement is to establish a framework for the provision of mobile payment systems for use with Premium Rate goods and services, with the intention of supporting market growth, innovation and consumer protection.

This Agreement applies only to the provision of goods and services provided via a four-digit Application Code in the 1xxx number series which may be charged via the End User’s account with the latter’s Mobile Company.

Furthermore, the purpose of the Agreement is to guarantee a transparent market for such Premium Rate goods and services, with standardised and correct communication to the consumers.

The Parties undertake to apply the rules set out in this Framework Agreement to the provision of mobile payment systems in relation to Premium Rate goods and services.

With reference to the “European Framework for Safer Mobile Use by Younger Teenagers and Children”, the Parties undertake the following:

  • to offer parents the possibility of customising their children’s mobile phone access,
  • to offer advice and easy access to information about the use of mobile telephone services and the steps that parents can take to ensure that their children use the services more safely,
  • to encourage customers who are parents to talk to their children about how they should handle the problems that can occur when using mobile telephone services,
  • to ensure that customers can quickly access systems allowing them to report potential security problems,
  • to contribute to relevant information initiatives aimed at raising customer awareness of security.

This Framework Agreement does not oblige the Parties to offer charging and mobile payment systems in relation to Premium Rate goods and services.

When this Agreement is signed by the respective Parties, it shall replace the “Framework Agreement on Mobile Content and Payment Services (Rammeaftale for mobile indholds- og betalingstjenester) Version 6.0 of July 1st 2014” including annexes.


1.3 Scope

The Agreement, including the maximum amounts laid down therein, is not applicable to general usage charging, telephone subscription payments, payments for USO services, the sale of telephony services, etc., from the End User’s own Mobile Company, including:

  • electronic communications networks and services as set out in section 1 and sections 17-25 of the Danish Executive Order on the Provision of Communications Networks and Services (Udbudsbekendtgørelsen),
  • information and content services, with integrated charging in number series set aside by the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen) for information and content services (formerly “service 900” services),
  • 3-digit short codes in the 11c number series used for provision of USO services or special services essential to society, cf. the services set out in section 22(i), no. 1, and (iii) of the Danish Act on Electronic Communications Networks and Services (lov om elektroniske kommunikationsnet og– tjenester).